Soni Sori, a 36 year old adivasi school teacher arrested in New Delhi on charges of being a Maoist, and sent to Dantewada for police interrogation, was admitted to the district hospital on Monday morning with head and back injuries. "She was unconscious when she was brought here around 9.30 am," said Dr SPS Shandilya, chief medical officer. An X- ray confirmed the injuries. "She has contusions on the right side of...
The Poverty Line – yours, mine and ours by Patralekha Chatterjee
Discussing the ‘poverty line’ has become a bit like talking about sex or death. Everybody has a view on it. And no two persons have the same view. The planning commission, members of the national advisory council, the rural development minister, assorted chief ministers, social scientists, economists, the media, the bloggerati — all have made their points loud and clear. However, such is the topic that it continues to trigger verbal...
More »Let RTI debate play out: Congress by Smita Gupta
The Congress has decided to adopt a cautious approach to suggestions coming from within the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government that the Right to Information (RTI) Act be re-examined as it affects government functioning. On Friday, party spokesperson Manish Tewari — in response to a question whether changes were being contemplated in the seminal Act — Stressed it was important for the ongoing debate on the issue “to play itself...
More »'Tribals facing existential crisis' by Saji Thomas
The life and properties of tribals are under serious threat from existing model of developmental in the country and, therefore, they need to jointly fight against the forces that exploit the natural resources for economic growth of the corporate houses. This was the gist of the deliberations among 250 delegates representing tribal groups from nine states such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and West...
More »Govt bid to gag TV outrages broadcasters, libertarians
-The Times of India The government's decision to recast policy guidelines for TV channels, which in effect has held out the threat of canceling the licence of news channels if they are guilty of five "violations", has created an outrage among broadcasters and civil rights activists who have described it as a knee jerk reaction and demanded an immediate withdrawal of the order. Broadcasters feel that blocking a news channel can't depend...
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