-Scroll.in Madhya Pradesh has added garlic to its price deficit payment scheme while Rajasthan has decided to procure the crop. Last year, Bunty Rawal planted garlic on six acres of his land in Khardabad village in Rajasthan’s Kota district. He reckoned it was a good decision. High quality garlic was selling for around Rs 12,000 a quintal at the time, he said. However, he managed to make only around Rs 5,000 as...
Bureaucrats More Wary of 'How' Than 'Why' of Lateral Entry Into Civil Services -Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta
-TheWire.in Veteran IAS officers agree there is a need for greater specialisation in the civil services, but are unhappy with the cut in recruitments over the years and the move to bypass the UPSC system. New Delhi: The Centre’s move to allow lateral entry into empanelled bureaucracy has opened up a complex debate that has been ongoing for, at least, the last two decades. While a big chunk of the civil servants...
More »Experts: Early desertification feared for Delhi, Gurugram -Shilpy Arora
-The Times of India GURUGRAM: The sand storm conditions prevailing in the city for three days has raised fears of early desertification of the Delhi-NCR region among environmental experts. According to the experts, there has been an increase in frequency, longevity and density of sand storms in this region this year. “The frequency of sand storms has increased in the city in the past one decade. While earlier (in 2002), summer sand...
More »The signal and the noise in India's jobs data -Tadit Kundu, Udayan Rathore and Pramit Bhattacharya
-Livemint.com The new subscribers to EPFO likely represent formalization of a section of the regular workforce rather than new additions to it New Delhi: Ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the jobs debate in India has heated up once again. Spokespersons of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) claim the Indian economy has created an unprecedented number of jobs over the past couple of years. The opposition as well as some independent...
More »One in two Indian Muslims fears being falsely accused in terrorism cases, finds study -Sankalita Dey and Anagha Deshpande
-ThePrint.in A survey by NGO Common Cause and Lokniti shows Adivasis are most afraid of being framed for Maoist activities, while Dalits are afraid of being falsely accused of petty thefts. New Delhi: The sense of being discriminated against by police is strongest among Muslims, especially those in Bihar, said a study that seeks to analyse the perception about police along state and community lines. The survey was carried out by NGO Common...
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