-The Hindu Business Line Move will be followed by registration at the international level In a first step to protect brand ‘Khadi', a symbol of India's struggle for Independence, the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has applied for registration of the trademark in India before moving to claim the international trademark, the MSME Ministry said on Wednesday. The move follows Reports of the ‘Khadi' trademark already being registered in Germany, Spain, Hungary...
Exposing Delhi’s air pollution, from the back of an autorickshaw
-AP American scientist Joshua Apte travels in an autorickshaw to present alarming findings for anyone who spends time on or near the roads in this city of 25 million. The autorickshaw lurched through New Delhi's commuter-clogged streets with an American scientist and several air pollution monitors in the back seat. Car horns blared. A scrappy scooter buzzed by belching black smoke from its tailpipe. One of the monitors spiked. Joshua Apte has alarming...
More »Lessons from Bilaspur -Gita Sen
-The Indian Express The aftermath of the terrible deaths of women who underwent sterilisation surgeries in Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh has been full of stories about what actually happened. Spurious drugs and an overenthusiastic doctor who cut corners on ensuring quality vie for immediate blame. Beyond these, many have spoken about pervasive biases of gender and caste that wreak havoc on the lives of poor women, and also of family planning policies...
More »New plan, old problem -Sushmita Sengupta
-Down to Earth The proposed Sewerage Master Plan 2031 that promises to end Delhi's drainage troubles underestimates the wastewater volume of the city Delhi is notorious for its overflowing drains and poor sanitation. The situation is so bad that just half of the city's population has sewerage connection. Media Reports show that cases of water-borne diseases like cholera are reported more from areas lacking sewerage systems such as Rohini and Shahdara. This...
More »Drug prices to go up as govt bans PET medicine bottles, is ban based on data?
-The News Minute The use of plastic or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles for packaging medicines such as syrups and liquid orals has been banned by the government. Reports say that this ban will lead a price hike for certain drugs meant for children, women and senior citizens. According to a Times of India report SV Veeramani, president, Indian Drug Manufacturers Association (IDMA) confirmed the move, "There would be estimated 25-30% cost increase...
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