Madhya Pradesh witnessed as many as 27,254 suicides between January 1, 2007 and January 31, 2011, but only 13 farmers took their lives due to debt or poverty during this period. Amid claims and counter-claims over suicides by debt-ridden farmers, the state government provided these figures to the Assembly in a written reply on Tuesday. The government claimed only one farmer took his life due to debt/poverty in 2009, two each...
NREGS worker demands revised wages, is beaten to death by Manoj Prasad
A 50-year-old labourer, Subal Mahato, was allegedly beaten to death by his employer for demanding revised wages in accordance with the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), in Bokaro on Saturday night. According to NREGA Commissioner Ajay Kumar Singh, Mahato, a resident of Bathua village under Chas block in Bokaro district, was one of the nine workers hired to dig a well. The project, sanctioned for 2010-11, was undertaken...
More »Dreams die in the desert by Swathi V
Unlike the educated elite who go Westwards, attracted by better opportunities and a luxurious lifestyle, those who land up in West Asia as waged labourers have a much harder time: Practically no rights, hostile working environments and absolutely no support systems. Why is it that the violation of their basic rights doesn't figure at all in the national imagination? About the same time that India aired “absolute displeasure and concern” over...
More »Hard questions about soft questions by P Sainath
There was in fact a successful auction of spectrum — only it was not conducted by the government but by its corporate sector cronies who made a fortune on the deal. On one pronouncement of his, you have to agree with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. His is not a ‘lame-duck government.' Cooked goose seems the more appropriate soubriquet. However, not a single new scam worth over Rs. 1 lakh crore has...
More »Mining officials visit Bichwa to placate farmers by Vijay Pinjarkar
After farmers threatened to commit suicide protesting grant of mining leases in Bichwa and Tekadi villages in Saoner tehsil, two mining officials visited Bichwa to take stock of the situation. TOI on February 17 reported how four affected farmers from Bichwa threatened to commit suicide after forcible acquisition of farm land for dolomite and manganese extraction. Conservationists also said mining activity will pose threat to tiger corridor, especially against the backdrop...
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