-The Hindu Since November 9, a day after the Centre banned Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 notes, the Sis Ganj Gurdwara has seen hectic rush during lunch About 500 kg of dal, 600 kg of vegetables and one tonne of rice is what it takes to feed thousands of people at the Sis Ganj Gurdwara in Chandni Chowk on an average day. The langar or community kitchen at the popular gurdwara has always been busy,...
Oil mills in Modi backyard idle minus cash -Basant Rawat
-The Telegraph Ahmedabad: Samir Shah never had such spare time in his life as an oil mill owner. This is, after all, the peak season when mills buy oil seeds that are available after the harvesting of kharif crops. But the Saurashtra businessman has been sitting idle the past fortnight. There's no cash to do business. The demonetisation drive has left entrepreneurs like him with a shrunken wallet. And farmers don't usually accept...
More »Did Modi receive over Rs 55 crore from the Sahara Group as the chief minister of Gujarat? -Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Advait Rao Palepu
-Economic and Political Weekly Documents seized by the Income Tax Department in private corporations imply pay-offs were made to the PM and leading politicians. At 8 pm on 8 November 2016, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to a live broadcast on Doordarshan to make the historic announcement that the government was demonetising notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000, emphasising his commitment to ridding India of the “evils of corruption” and...
More »Industries opt for lock down, cut work hours to tide over slump caused by demonetisation -Aakash Ahuja
-The Times of India RUDRAPUR: Many of the over 700 factories in the industrial belt of Udham Singh Nagar have either slowed down production or opted for a short-term lock down due to problems in transport of goods and a dip in demand. Demonetisation of currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 has hit not just small industrial units but also giants like Parle and Britannia, many of which have...
More »People in remote villages suffer the most -Kavita Upadhyay
-The Hindu Gopal Singh of Lamdegadh hamlet, which crowns a hill of Chamoli district near the Kumaon-Garhwal border, has to walk 8 km to reach the nearest motorable road. Chamoli (Uttarakhand): In sleepy Uttarakhand villages, tucked away inside lush green forests far from motorable roads, there has been a sudden burst of activity for a few days now as people rush out of their houses in the early hours each day, hoping...
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