-The Hindu Many students have vowed not to enter classrooms without their hijabs Bengaluru: Young women wearing religious headscarves tearfully pleading to be allowed entry into schools and colleges with many vowing not to remove their hijabs has raised concerns on the impact this will have on their education. While the case is in the High Court of Karnataka, several writers and activists from the Muslim community and education experts have expressed fear...
Stop targeting & excluding hijab wearing muslim women students because it affects their RTE, states NCEE
-Press statement by the National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) dated February 21, 2022 We note, with deep concern and anguish, the active prevention of muslim women from attending government schools and colleges, on the grounds that they wear the hijab, a headscarf. This move violates not just the fundamental rights of these women, including those of freedom (Article 19, 25) and equality (Article 14), but also their right to...
More »Tata Mundra: Nobel laureate, others ask US apex court to drop immunity to World Bank
-Counterview.net Economic, legal, diplomatic and civil society experts – including Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, and former Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank – have urged the United States Supreme Court to go back to the case Budha Ismail Jam, et al v. IFC , (Tata Mundra case) concerning immunity from the suit for the World Bank Group and foreign nations. They said, the immunity decision in the...
More »India’s facade of agricultural insurance -Shagun, Priya Ranjan Sahu, Rakesh Kumar Malviya, Shuchita Jha and M Raghuram
-Down to Earth Since its launch in 2016, India’s flagship crop insurance scheme has seen a consistent fall in acreage and number of farmers covered Even if a single farmer’s crop is damaged in a village he will get the benefits of insurance - Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said while launching the government’s flagship Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) from Madhya Pradesh in 2016. The words, however, mean nothing to the farmers...
More »If India wants to spend its money well, it should build infrastructure that is climate resilient -Flavia Lopes
-IndiaSpend.com/ Scroll.in In the 2022 Budget, the Centre proposed to earmark Rs 1-lakh crore in interest-free loans for states, some of which will be used for developing infrastructure. In May 2021, when Cyclone Yaas hit the eastern coast of India, a hospital in Bihar’s capital Patna was inundated in the floods and patients had nowhere to go. In September 2021, parts of the national capital, Delhi, were waterlogged because of heavy rains...
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