-PTI Anil Ambani-led Reliance Infrastructure Ltd has challenged an order passed by the State Information Commission bringing the company under the ambit of the Right to Information Act in the Bombay High Court, arguing that it is a private company and not a public authority. The SIC on July 19 passed an order bringing R-Infra under the ambit of the RTI after observing that though it was a private company, it...
Crop holiday and food security by MS Swaminathan
August is usually the preferred month for family holidays in Europe, because of abundant sunshine and warm weather. In India, normally, this is the south-west monsoon season and a busy period for farmers. This year, however, several farm families in coastal Andhra Pradesh, the rice bowl of the country, are reported to have declared ‘crop holiday’. This is because the rice mills have not been lifting even last years’ crop....
More »MFIs: Still in the doldrums by Shruti Sarma
MFIs in Andhra Pradesh are paying for the sins of their past. Market for new loans has dried up, banks have turned off their spigots while the AP government is content to sit back and watch. It has been eleven months since the Andhra Pradesh government issued an ordinance—later converted into the Andhra Pradesh Micro-Finance Institutions (Regulation of Money Lending) Act—which, the microfinance industry hoped, would be the magic remedy that...
More »Posco: Green ministry ignored own objections by Nitin Sethi
Through every stage of environmental clearance, the Prime Minister's Office and the finance ministry tracked the Rs 54,000-crorePosco integrated steel plant with keen interest even as the environment ministry sidestepped its own reservations to let the project pass, records with TOI show. The records accessed from the environment ministry do not show any interference from the two quarters but the PMO and the finance ministry followed the case from 2007...
More »Anna's fast will boost TV ratings, Sharmila's is for a just cause by Abheek Barman
By the time you read this, Anna Hazare would have started his fast and his well-fed handlers will be stationed in front of television cameras. Independence Day, grey and wet was a holiday with no breaking news, so after the Red Fort speech, all airtime was taken over by talking heads debating the Anna fast. The talks generate lots of heat: "Think about the future," or "Aren't we also members...
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