-The Hindu The Suryanelli case in Kerala cast its lengthening shadow over the Congress on Thursday, with the rape victim’s mother asking party president Sonia Gandhi to act against Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P. J. Kurien, whom she places at the heart of the 40-day-long nightmare her daughter underwent 17 years ago — a crime for which not one of the 42 accused persons has been punished to date. The woman...
Breaking The Silence -Human Rights Watch
-Outlook While great awareness has been raised about sexual violence against women in India, much less is known about the problem of sexual abuse of children' Summary The rape and murder of a student in New Delhi on December 16, 2012, followed by large public protests, has led to a great deal of soul searching about the problem of sexual violence in India. Politicians, lawyers, women’s rights activists, and an independent government...
More »Govt schools lag behind private institutions: Report -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India While the HRD ministry cries foul over budget cuts an independent report on education points out that despite significant rise in public spending, parents continue to opt for private schools with government educational institutions failing to offer quality education. Central contribution to elementary education increased by 90% from Rs 203 billion in 2007-08 to Rs 383 billion in 2012-13, while secondary school allocation rose by 271% to Rs...
More »A committee to ‘administer’ a ‘market price’ for gas-Sunjoy Joshi
-The Hindu In his article in The Hindu (editorial page, “Making a mockery of domestic gas pricing,” January 18, 2013, Surya P. Sethi attacks the gas pricing formula proposed by the Rangarajan Committee, curiously enough, for being based on numbers from foreign markets that do not reflect the supply, demand or cost of production in India. I say “curiously” because on the exact opposite side, domestic producers are also pillorying the committee’s...
More »'Public-pvt partnership to open world-class schools in villages'-Naveed Iqbal
-The Indian Express Union Minister of State for HRD Jitin Prasada on Wednesday said that the 12th Five-Year Plan would focus on quality in education. He was speaking at a function after releasing the India Infrastructure Report - 2012 at Modern School, Barakhamba Road, here. The minister stated that though the government is "thankful" to the private sector for their efforts in higher education, private institutes have become "money minting institutions" and should...
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