-The Telegraph The Maoist Attack in Chhattisgarh has jolted the security establishment, which was till recently celebrating recent successes against the rebels. Union home ministry sources said the massacre would go a long way in repairing the shattered morale of Maoist cadres, who were on the defensive following a coordinated blitzkrieg by the central and state police forces. Sustained security operations in the past three years had reduced the 39-member central committee of...
India has a problem with inequality, and it won't be solved easily-Kunal Kumar Kundu
-The Business Standard Why government policy and jobless growth have let inequality worsen in recent times The Forbes list of billionaires features 55 Indians in 2013. The estimated net worth of only the top ten is $102.1 billion or approximately 5.5 per cent of India's gross domestic product. Paradoxically, every third poor person and every second malnourished child in the world is also an Indian. India also adds 7.5 million babies with...
More »Ranbaxy case may take a toll on other Indian drug makers
-The Business Standard The tussle between the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) and Ranbaxy is likely to hit the plans of Indian pharmaceutical companies of making it big in the US generic drugs market. Apart from the fact that their image may take a beating, the additional scrutiny on abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) from India would lead to more delays in drug approvals. Last week, Ranbaxy had agreed to...
More »Mandatory CSR in India: A Bad Proposal-Aneel Karnani
-Stanford Social Innovation Review Looked at from the perspective of the political right, and the left, and the center, the proposed law making CSR mandatory is a really bad idea. Companies all over the world are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that they are responsible citizens, with about 70 percent of large companies in Europe and the Americas reporting on their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Despite this, the very concept...
More »Post-2015 development agenda must focus on equality–UN experts
-The United Nations United Nations independent experts today called on countries to ensure the post-2015 development agenda focuses on equality, social protection and accountability, noting that one billion people around the world are still living in poverty. "The rise of inequality has severely undermined the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs," the independent experts said in their message to Member States which will meet this week in New York to...
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