-The Hindu On Tuesday, Bhojan Yatra, a campaign demanding a comprehensive food security bill, reached here after travelling through Bihar, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal. In a rally, organised from Bistupur to Ram Mandir maidan, Right to Food (RTF) activists demanded that the proposed National Food Security Bill (NFSB) give universal access to food instead of capping it at 67 per cent of the population. They demanded that 8.2 crore metric tonnes of food...
Health ministry pushes for end to sale of branded drugs -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India Medicines in India may not be sold under brand names in the near future. In its biggest move to push generic drugs and do away with brand names, the Union health ministry has ordered states to stop issuing licence for the manufacture or sale of drugs on the basis of their brand name. All pharmaceutical firms applying for licence to market or manufacture fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs will...
More »The landless end march at Agra -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu In an agreement with Jan Satyagraha, Centre promises to initiate land reforms Thousands of landless poor aborted their march to Delhi on Thursday, accepting the government's promises to initiate land reform and the possibility of statutory backing for the right to shelter, homestead and agricultural land. Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh signed a 10-point agreement in Agra — barely 10 days after refusing to sign a similar deal at the march’s...
More »MP CM walked five km with Jan Satyagraha landless tribals -Suchandana Gupta
-The Times of India BHOPAL: Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan travelled to Agra in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday to join the Ekta Parishad Jan Satyagraha protest march of more than 50,000 landless tribals demanding land reforms from the Union government. Chouhan, accompanied by his wife Sadhna and state minister for women and child development Ranjana Baghel, walked five km from Rohta village to COD maidan in Agra to boost the morale...
More »Feticide claimed 3 million in the last decade: Govt -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India India's love for a male child has led to cold-blooded murder of three million girl children over the last decade. By government's own admission, the ministry of statistics and programme implementation in its latest report on state of children says three million girl children have gone missing in 2011 compared to 2001. Even as the world celebrates the maiden " International Day of the Girl Child", India doesn't seem...
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