-The Hindu A catastrophe has hit India and there is no sign that the ferocious second wave is being dealt with competently Earlier this week, a young woman in Uttar Pradesh tweeted a cry for help. Her grandmother’s oxygen level had fallen to 40. “Pls help us in getting one bed in hospital in Bareilly,” she wrote in desperation. Soon a handle that called itself “Team Hindu Unlimited” was on her: “Stop...
Cotton production estimated to be lower at 360 lakh bales
-The Hindu The Committee on Cotton Production and Consumption expects production during the current season (October 2020 to September 2021) to be at 360 lakh bales, slightly lower than the 2019-2020 estimate of 365 lakh bales. COIMBATORE: At a meeting held on Friday, the committee estimated cotton exports in the current season to be at 70 lakh bales and consumption by textile mills at 288 lakh bales. The closing stock is projected...
More »Counter ‘one-sided’ world media narrative on govt’s pandemic ‘failure’, Jaishankar tells Indian diplomats -Nirupama Subramanian
-The Indian Express International TV channels have run visuals of waiting ambulances and patients outside hospitals, and cremations to underline India's lack of preparedness. Mumbai: In a virtual meeting with Indian ambassadors and high commissioners posted across the world, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Thursday conveyed the message that the “one-sided” narrative in international media — that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government had failed the country by their “incompetent”...
More »PM-Kisan first installment late; Covid blamed -Harikishan Sharma and PARThasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express The first installment is due between April 1 and July 31. Last year, most beneficiaries received the money in their bank accounts between March 24 and April 20. This year, as April ends, no farm households has received any money. Pune: Amid the surge in Covid-19 cases, the wait of over 9 crore farmer families for the first installment of their PM-Kisan payout for the financial year 2021-22, is...
More »Over 300 Indian scientists write to PM Modi asking for transparency in COVID-19 data
-TheNewsMinute.com The scientists said that they have received pARTial funding and permission for implementing systematic surveillance of new variants of Coronavirus. Over 300 scientists from across India, including renowned names like Prof LS Shashidhara (Professor of Biology, IISER Pune and Ashoka University) and Prof PARTha Majumder (National Science Chair, Government of India), have requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take steps to open access to various data in order to transparency in...
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