While promising to release a sum of Rs 500 crore to keep the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) running in West Bengal at the earliest, the team from the Union rural development ministry that met the state panchayat minister today forced the state to frame a policy before disbursing further allotment to the districts under the scheme. The Central team, led by its joint secretary, Mrs Amita Sharma,...
Centre cautioned against terms on rural job scheme
The Centre should not impose conditions on the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme which might block the project's implementation in the State, West Bengal Rural Development Minister Anisur Rahman said here on Tuesday. Talking to reporters at the Secretariat after a meeting with two senior officials of the Union Rural Development Ministry, he said, “No such conditions should be imposed due to which the rural poor are denied the...
More »Low procurement may stall NAC’s food security law
"To implement the NAC's two proposals, the grain requirement is estimated to be over 70 million tonnes. We have shared that any requirement of the grain over 55 million tonnes would be difficult to meet," an official source said. The latest challenge to the proposed food security law has come from the government’s procurement agencies as the Food Ministry procures only 55 million tonnes of foodgrains a year against the 70...
More »RBI for timely payment of rural job scheme workers by KA Gupta
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is to consider a proposal for opening of weekly branches in unbanked panchayats in the state. Gumla is one among the 16 districts, which have been classified as under-banked districts in the state. Delay in disbursing wages under MGNREGA and executing other welfare schemes will now be sorted out by reaching banking services to hitherto unbanked areas and new measures have also been initiated. Before the...
More »NAC plan fails to pass muster with ministry by Liz Mathew
The department of food and public distribution has rejected both proposals of the National Advisory Council (NAC) to provide food security, saying the government risked running up against supply constraints and taking on an unsustainable fiscal burden. The rejection by the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution means that both NAC, headed by Congress party president Sonia Gandhi, and the government will have to go back to the drawing board...
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