-The Indian Express The Punjab and Haryana High Court pulled up the Haryana Government on Monday in connection with the acquisition of land for development of Sectors 58-63 in Gurgaon, which includes the Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust in Ullahawas village. The case is slated to come up for hearing again tomorrow. Last week, the Haryana Government had submitted that it would reconsider the acquisition of over 850 acres of land in Gurgaon,...
Surat’s sex ratio poor, officials worried by Rishi Banerji
While it has achieved exceptional growth in many spheres, Surat is lagging behind in terms of gender equality. As per Surat Municipal Corporation records, the sex ratio shows a dismal trend in the city. The gap is high in the child sex ratio i.e. 0-6 age group.As per birth registration figures provided by SMC, the city is far behind the national average. In 2010, 816 girls were born against 1000 boys...
More »Sighting land
-The Times of India The unveiling of the draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill is better late than never. All over India, industrialisation and infrastructure are hobbled by land-related strife. Whether it's Singur in Bengal or anti-Posco protests in Orissa, such stirs are impeding development and spooking investors. Bringing in a set of predictable rules - any rules - is welcome in such a context. The Bill...
More »New Land Acquisition Bill unlikely to set threshold for government intervention, states to frame policies by Devika Banerji & Prabha Jagannathan
The new Land Acquisition Bill is unlikely to set a threshold for government intervention in land purchases, leaving it to the states to frame policies on this politically volatile subject. The Bill will, however, eliminate any scope for discrimination by specifying the same rate of compensation for all affected for land acquired by private developers or the state on their behalf. It will also put the onus of compensation on the...
More »Food security to create permanent wheat shortage by Nidhi Nath Srinivas
From next year, atta,bread,biscuits ,snacks and everything made from maida and sooji will become seriously more expensive. Even after a bumper crop, there just won't be enoughwheat for us. ET helps you join the dots. The trigger for wheat inflation that will hit each one of us is the Food Security Act, which kickstarts next year. The Food Corporation of India (FCI) will need substantially more wheat to supply three...
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