-The Hindu While sanitation schemes in India date back to the British Raj, Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) is the latest and by far most ambitious iteration. Launched by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the end of 2014, the Rs.9,000-crore scheme aims to achieve an Open Defecation-Free (ODF) India by constructing 12 million rural household toilets across the country before October 2, 2019 — to coincide with Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday. But...
DeMolished India's top rank -Jayanta Roy Chowdhury and R Suryamurthy
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India is no longer the fastest-growing major economy in the world: it has lost its bragging rights to China. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today put out its provisional estimates on national income that showed real GDP growth had tumbled to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter (January-March). That is considerably slower than the 6.9 per cent growth that the resurgent Chinese economy racked up during the same...
More »Social impact of demonetisation may have been greater: World Bank
-The Hindu Greater data availability, especially on Labour markets, needed to better gauge social impact of such policies The World Bank has said the social impact of demonetisation may have been greater as the informal economy was likely to have been hit especially hard. However, the Bank said the impact of demonetisation on the informal economy was difficult to measure and greater data availability, especially on Labour markets, is needed to...
More »Where are the jobs? Being in denial over unemployment woes won't help Modi govt -Rajesh Mahapatra
-Hindustan Times To begin with, it is imperative that the government and the ruling coalition acknowledge the challenge, and not be dismissive about it. Ambiguous expressions such as “promoting self-employment” do not help. It is difficult to disagree when BJP president Amit Shah says it’s impossible to provide jobs to everyone in a country of 1.25 billion people. It is also equally absurd to agree with him that reports of rising unemployment...
More »Hazards of relying on Labour bureau's employment data to evaluate job creation -Roshan Kishore
-Livemint.com A detailed look at Labour Bureau’s Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) methodology and design suggests that one shouldn’t read too much in these numbers New Delhi: Opposition parties and many commentators have been citing the Labour Bureau’s Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) numbers to attack the government over failure to generate employment). How credible are such claims? A detailed look at QES methodology and design suggests that one shouldn’t read too much in...
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