-TheWire.in A Bengal doctor has been suspended after he wrote a Facebook post on the dengue crisis. The case is similar to another doctor in Mumbai who was ‘raided’ for identifying totally-drug-resistant TB cases. Dr Arunachal Dutta Choudhury, a doctor of general medicine at the Barasat District Hospital in West Bengal, likes to write in verse. His Facebook wall is filled with his Bengali poems. His favourite form is the end rhymes,...
Drought and now pest attacks: Double danger stalks Odisha's rice fields, its farming mainstay -Priya Ranjan Sahu
-Scroll.in A severe shortage of government-distributed pesticides aggravated the crop loss from attacks by brown planthoppers. A twin calamity has struck farmers in Odisha in recent weeks. A moderate to severe drought has affected paddy crops on more than 3.1 lakh hectares of land in over 6,000 villages across 15 districts. In addition, an attack by brown planthoppers &NDAsh; insects that feed on rice plants &NDAsh; has destroyed paddy fields on...
More »Higher food prices accelerate retail inflation in October
-The Economic Times Consumer inflation touched a seven-month high in October denting hopes of rate cut when the Reserve Bank of India reviews the monetary policy next month. Retail inflation, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI) rose to 3.58% in October from 3.28% in September, data released by the government showed. “While we expect the RBI’s March 2018 projection to be revised down a notch, but October’s CPI and the likelihood...
More »Number of Indians with diabetes likely to double in next decade -Sanchita Sharma
-Hindustan Times Asians have a 2&NDAsh;4-times higher risk of type 2 diabetes than white Europeans. With a prediabetes prevalence of 10.3% among adults, people with diabetes in India are likely to more than double in the next decade from the current 70 million, a study by the country’s apex research organisation has estimated. The prevalence of prediabetes — also known as “impaired glucose tolerance” and a precursor to diabetes — is 1.4 times...
More »Why Delhi Turns Into a Gas Chamber and How it Affects Much More Than Our Health -Krishna AchutaRao
-Firstpost.com Delhiites are cursed by geography to be prone to a meteorological phenomenon called inversion where warm air rests above the colder air closer to the ground, preventing it from mixing upwards thereby trapping all that we put into it &NDAsh; almost like a lid Delhi’s pollution episodes at this time of the year have become an annual affair - the latest one has the Chief Minister comparing Delhi to a gas...
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