The Scheduled Castes and Tribes have been denied over one lakh crore rupees during the Eleventh Plan, says the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights. Uttar Pradesh has been most efficient in the allocation and utilisation of the funds. During the Eleventh Plan period (2007-12), a whopping Rs 1,00,215 crore has been denied to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under the Sub-Plans of the Government, according to National Campaign on Dalit...
In the light of day, questions about midnight encounter by Ajai Sreevatsan
Five suspected bank robbers die at the hands of police Five men suspected to be involved in two recent bank robberies in the city were gunned down by the police at a Velachery apartment in the small hours of Thursday. But rather than bringing the curtains down on the daring heists that shook the city, the “encounter” itself looks set to move centre-stage, with the police claim of firing in self-defence...
More »Pits of horror by S Dorairaj
The alleged incident of two quarry workers in Tamil Nadu's Villupuram district being forced to swallow faeces draws attention to larger issues. NORMALLY the villages and hamlets in and around Thiruvakkarai in Tamil Nadu's Villupuram district are woken up by the loud noise and vibrations caused by the blasting of rocks and the pounding of boulders with sledge hammers, apart from the rattling sound of tipper lorries transporting stones from 40-odd...
More »Difficult to digest by Jyotika Sood
After much debate, the Cabinet cleared the food security bill. Will it really ensure food for every Indian? THE Lokpal Bill debate may have ended in a fiasco but 2011 ended on a positive note for the Congress-led UPA government on another count. Its pet project, the National Food Security Bill (NFSB), was cleared by the Union Cabinet and introduced in Parliament. The bill seeks to address widespread hunger in the...
More »Centre to hold talks with states on GM crops trials by Ravish Tiwari
Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), the apex authority for approval of large-scale field trials and commercialisation of GM crops, has decided to hold “dialogue” with state governments to iron out irritants being faced in the grant of no objection certificates (NOC) for GM crops’ trials. The development comes after the Centre’s Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation and GM seed industry association petitioned the GEAC regarding the delay or denial of NOC...
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