Food Inflation rose marginally to 16.74 per cent for the week ended May 29 on high prices of pulses, milk and fruits. Inflation increased by 0.19 percentage point from 16.55 per cent in the previous week, food inflation data released on Thursday showed. Prices of pulses shot up by 31 per cent, milk by 21.1 per cent and fruits by 18.7 per cent. However, potatoes and onions became cheaper by...
Bt cotton seed firms tell states to end price control by B Krishna Mohan
Governments of cotton growing states have spiked proposals by companies to increase prices for genetically modified (Bt) cotton seeds. Makers of Bt seed have asked for a rise in the price they could charge for a 40-seed packet of the BG1 variety to Rs 850 (from Rs 650 now) and for the BG2 variety to Rs 1,050 (up from Rs 750), as input and labour costs had gone up by 35...
More »Fresh hopes over food security
The June 1 announcement by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, while releasing the Report Card for the first year of the second term of the United Progressive Alliance Government, that the Food Security Bill was under preparation and that the Bill would be placed in the public domain for scrutiny and wider consultation has raised hopes about early enactment of the law to ensure the people's right to food as part...
More »PM announces Rs 25,000 cr for new agri projects
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 29 May announced a Rs25,000 crore ($6 billion) plan for new farm sector projects by states, besides launching a food security mission to enhance output of wheat, rice and pulses. Speaking at the 53rd meeting of the National Development Council, he also warned that small and marginal farming had become an unviable proposition and until farming was made viable at this scale, it would be virtually...
More »Food inflation rises to 16.55%
Food inflation rose to 16.55% for the week ended May 22 on account of high prices of pulses, fruits and vegetables. Inflation increased by 0.32 percentage point from 16.23% in the previous week. The uptick was mainly due to a 7% increase in fish marine prices, 5% rise in prices of poultry chicken, 2% in prices of barley and masur each and one% increase in prices for fruits and vegetables....
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