-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Water Resources A total no. of 16456 Minor Irrigation (MI) Schemes with a combined total estimated cost of Rs.22572.7391 crore have been taken up in the states upto July 30, 2014 of which 12355 MI schemes have been completed till date. The total potential planned of above schemes is 24.48 lakh hectare. An irrigation potential of 14.39 lakh hectare has been achieved. Water being a State subject,...
Saving Agriculture from Drought
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Agriculture Cumulative rainfall till 05.08.2014 was 405.3 mm which is 19% less than normal or Long Period Average (LPA) of 499.3 mm. As per information provided by IMD, out of 620 districts for which rainfall data is available, 251 (40%) have so far received normal/excess rainfall. State Governments are empowered to initiate appropriate relief measures in the wake drought from funds readily available under State Disaster Response...
More »Schemes and Programmes for the Benefit of Small and Marginal Farmers
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Agriculture Government restructured the ongoing scheme and following centrally sponsored Mission/Schemes are under implementation from 1.4.2014: (i) National Food Security Mission (NFSM) (ii) National Horticulture Mission (iii) National Mission on Oilseeds & Oil Palm (iv) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) including Micro Irrigation (v) National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology (vi) Integrated Scheme for Farmers Income Security (vii) Integrated Scheme on Agri. Census & Statistics (viii) Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Marketing (ix)...
More »Impact of Global Warming and Climate Change on Rainfall Patterns
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Earth Science Ministry of Environmental and Forests (MoEF), Govt of India had undertaken the Indian second National Communication to UNFCCC during 2009-2011(NATCOM-II). The communication had been a national effort which involved many multi-disciplinary scientific groups. Ministry of Earth Sciences carry out scientific studies on climate change and variability under Global and Regional Climate Change (GRCC) programme. Under GRCC programme of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Earth...
More »The many shades of rape cases in Delhi -Rukmini S
-The Hindu The Hindu investigates behind the rape numbers A six-month long investigation by The Hindu has revealed that the nature of reported sexual assault in Delhi is far more complex than earlier imagined. Among the key findings is that a third of all the cases heard during one year dealt with consenting couples whose parents had accused the boy of rape. Over the last six months, The Hindu analysed all cases involving...
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