-The Times of India A tribal woman MP from Gujarat broke down in Lok Sabha on Wednesday alleging rough treatment by state police, triggering an outpouring of solidarity and demand for action from members across party lines. Dahod MP Prabha Kishore Taviad sat quietly as Congress leader Girija Vyas stood up to recount her tale, saying the hurt MP was not in a position to talk. Prabha was stopped by Gujarat police from...
Bills that peek into MP minds-Sanjay K Jha
To many Indians, the word “politician” invariably invokes familiar scenes of din and disruption in Parliament, if not the taint of corruption. Yet from time to time, a little-noticed — and perhaps rather quaint — parliamentary tradition tends to suggest that at least some of India’s MPs may have a place in their heart for issues concerning the ordinary citizen. Of the 79 private members’ bills listed today in the Lok Sabha’s...
More »Three cheers to Parliament by Gopalkrishna Gandhi
Chennai comes up with innovative ideas. ‘Prime Point,' set up by a gentleman known in true Tamil Nadu-style as ‘Prime Point Srinivasan,' has instituted a set of awards for parliamentarians called Sansad Ratna Awards. ‘PP' felicitously chose Ambedkar Jayanti for the conferment ceremony this year and conferred the honour on four MPs: Anand Rao Adsul — Number 1 in Questions (754). The total tally of debates, private bills and questions raised...
More »Food security & the cup of Tantalus by Mani Shankar Aiyar
The key issue is not availability or resources but last mile delivery: how to reach foodgrains to people. In ancient Greece, the punishment given to Tantalus was to tie a cup around his neck and fill it with water. Every time he bent to take a sip, the cup would drop further and he would never get a drop into his parched mouth. From this comes the word “tantalizing”. Something like...
More »No room for development by TK Rajalakshmi
The housing and houselisting census data do not paint a rosy picture of India in terms of basic amenities for its households. The data on household amenities and assets, released recently by the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, are a stark reminder of the immense disparities that exist in India in terms of basic entitlements such as electricity, sanitation facilities, proper drainage, and clean drinking and...
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