-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been given a clean chit by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on telecom which rubbished CAG's Rs 1.76 lakh crore loss calculations in the 2G scam but slammed the Vajpayee government for Rs 40,080 crore loss due to a policy shift in 1999. The committee - headed by Congress MP P C Chacko - in its draft report pinned the 2G blame on former...
Doublespeak on electoral reforms-N Gopalaswami
-The Hindu The paid news case is no longer just about Ashok Chavan. It concerns every individual and institution opposed to the sway of money power in elections Politicians everywhere are known to indulge in doublespeak and our politicians are no exception. But some recent pronouncements of our Law Minister only show that our politicians may have very few serious rivals in this sport. Not long ago, the Minister was all praise...
More »India’s rich are the problem-cp chandrasekhar
-The Hindu Even as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) frets over the high rate of inflation and wards off pressures to cut interest rates, it is faced with another challenge. Balance of payments data for the second quarter of 2012-13 show that the current account deficit continues to rise, and has touched a record 5.4 per cent of GDP. Both of these developments that would be considered signs of “overheating”...
More »Telecom secretary R Chandrasekhar to be next CAG?
-Ciol.com A 1975-batch AP cadre, IAS Rentala Chandrasekhar, who is set to retire as telecom secretary on March 31, 2013, is emerging as one of the top contenders for the post of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). The incumbent, Vinod Rai, will quit office on May 31, as he would complete 65 years of age. A CAG's term length is six years or up to 65 years of age (whichever is earlier). According...
More »An opportunity missed-cp chandrasekhar
-The Hindu “The purpose of a Budget – and the job of a Finance Minister,” P. Chidambaram declared in his speech, “is to create the economic space and find the resources to achieve the socio economic objectives.” Now that the presentation of and the spate of initial responses to the budget are behind us, it may be appropriate to ask how far the Minister went in accomplishing his self-defined task. Mr. Chidambaram...
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