-The Hindu The Delhi government will soon bring the car rationing interim scheme back in the city, in view of the rising air pollution levels. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal called an emergency Cabinet meeting at his residence on Sunday afternoon to discuss the punitive measures to be taken to bring down the rising pollution levels. Mr. Kejriwal said that the car rationing, odd-even scheme will return soon and preparations will start. "We...
Farm Policy: The window for agricultural reform is closing fast -Pravesh Sharma
-The Indian Express It’s not as if the Centre cannot initiate reforms in agriculture. In fact, in at least three major areas, the onus for leadership and action lies with the Centre. For over a year, there have been news reports of Niti Aayog, the erstwhile Planning Commission’s new avatar, working on a wide-ranging reform package for India’s farm sector. In recent months, teasers have appeared hinting at the Centre’s plans of...
More »Scientists discover green rice in Chattisgarh -R Krishna Das
-Business Standard Chhattisgarh is traditionally known as the Rice Bowl of India as over 20,000 rice varieties have been found here Raipur: Chhattisgarh has discovered a new variety of rice that is light green in colour. Though the development is at an early stage, scientists in the state have started scientific study of the variety. Only after conducting a detailed research, the scientists will come out with the character of the seed. “The seed...
More »Govts should not blindly promote micro-irrigation schemes -J Harsha
-Deccan Herald Water in India has now become a contentious issue due to rise in demand, climate change and growing mismanagement. With erratic rainfall and recurring droughts in 2012, 2015 and 2016, “Water saving” has become a high priority for the governments. As the agriculture sector consumes 80% of freshWater in the country, micro-irrigation – drip and sprinkler irrigation – has been catapulted as a policy priority because drip and sprinkler irrigation...
More »Farm distress: Gujarat's groundnut growers take a hit as prices plunge below MSP -Gopal Kateshiya
-The Indian Express After cotton last year, the BJP state government faces a fresh challenge ahead of late-2017 elections. Rajkot: GROUNDNUT FARMERS last week forced a suspension of auctions at the agriculture produce market committee (APMC) mandi in Amreli to protest against tumbling prices of Gujarat’s second biggest cash crop after cotton. The new groundnut-in-shell crop is fetching around Rs 3,500 per quintal, well below the minimum support price (MSP) of Rs...
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