-PTI/ The Hindu As per the latest figure, there are 40.05 crore beneficiaries of this scheme and deposits in Jan Dhan bank accounts are in excess of ₹1.30 lakh crore. More than 40 crore bank accounts have been opened under the government’s flagship financial inclusion drive Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), launched about six years ago by the Modi-government. As per the latest figure, there are 40.05 crore beneficiaries of this scheme...
Rebuild India’s confidence, revive the economy -Manmohan Singh and Praveen Chakravarthy
-The Hindu The path to a sustained recovery is to improve sentiments in society, using economic tools These are extraordinarily difficult times for our nation and the world. People are gripped with the fear of disease and death from COVID-19. This fear is ubiquitous and transcends geography, religion and class. The inability of nations to control the spread of the novel coronavirus and the lack of a confirmed cure for the disease...
More »Intensity of Indian monsoon may decline due to rapid warming of Bay of Bengal, says new study -Gerard de Souza
-Hindustan Times The study is significant as it reviewed the under sediment cores derived from the Krishna Godavari basin of the Bay of Bengal to understand how the monsoon rainfall pattern has changed in the past 2,000 years. Warming of Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean is likely to weaken the India monsoon further in the near future, which could be accentuated by land mass changes across the country, says a...
More »Gurugram: Shanties Razed for ‘Biodiversity Park’, 600 Families Left in Lurch -Ronak Chhabra
-Newsclick.in Municipal official says corporation “acted upon” February orders, issued by NGT; no prior notice was served, alleged the aggrieved residents. The multiple calls to stay at and work from home to curb the COVID-19 outbreak ceased to be a crude joke for residents in Gurugram’s Sikanderpur area, after the municipal body carried out a demolition drive, rendering almost 600 families homeless earlier this week. The shanties – which were home to many...
More »MGNREGA work demand drops in July 2020 as labourers get jobs in farms -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Despite the drop, however, demand is almost 71% more than July 2019 After seeing a surge in May and June, demand for work under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) tapered a bit in July as casual labourers returned to work in farms for sowing kharif crops. However, demand was still much higher compared to the previous years, underlining the scheme’s vital role in providing employment to the rural poor,...
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