Prime Minister manmohan singh has imposed a gag on India’s poverty data, saying no information must go out until it is vetted by the Planning Commission. The gag order applies to all central ministries and departments and is apparently triggered by the embarrassment over multiple data on Indians falling under the socially damning Below Poverty Line (BPL). The official line is that the government wants to have uniformity on all data and...
Promises to keep by Harsh Mander
Even four years after the Sachar Committee Report revealed that Muslims were one of the most economically backward and socially disadvantaged communities, nothing much has been done to address the development deficits of this community. The Constitution of the republic of free India was crafted in troubled but idealistic times. The Indian people were still reeling from Partition bloodshed and the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, in the dark shadows of politics...
More »Infrastructure push vital to achieve growth target by Sujay Mehdudia
Continued poor performance of some key infrastructure sectors cause for concern As India is on the path of achieving 8.5 per cent economic growth, aiming to exceed the 9 per cent growth mark next fiscal, the biggest worrying factor that could derail this horse power of growth and play spoilsport in the “growth story” of the UPA II government is the poor state of infrastructure and its tardy pace of development...
More »Natural farming catching up in Sri Lanka
The zero-budget natural farming propounded by Subash Palekar has reached Sri Lanka. The natural farming technique that is fast-catching up with the farmers in South India has been taken up by farmers in the neighbouring nation. Sharath Fernando from Sri Lanka, who partook in a meet of farmers from South Asia at Bangalore, said the Sri Lankan government is supporting the initiative. According to him, farmers in his homeland are facing...
More »Food subsidy could also be dubbed loss: PM
PM manmohan singh disputed the estimates of huge loss from the spectrum swindle by citing the subsidies given to the poor on food and kerosene in his interaction with the media on Wednesday. Responding to a question on whether he agreed with telecom minister Kapil Sibal that there was zero revenue loss on 2G, he said there could be no opinion on such an issue, stressing that many consider the...
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