-PTI Rajya Sabha MPs will get to stay in new four-bedroom apartments, each costing Rs.2 crore, under a housing project whose foundation stone was laid on Tuesday by Vice-President Mohammad Hamid Ansari. There will be a total 14 apartments, 28 servant quarters, a common reception hall and a gym, besides some other facilities, which will come up on a 0.6-acre land on Talkatora Road. Apart from the Constitution Club, this will be...
CAG refuses to join public debate on coalgate -Sujay Mehdudia
-The Hindu Refusing to join the public debate over its findings on the Centre’s coal block allocation during 2004-08, Comptroller and Auditor-General (CAG) Vinod Rai on Tuesday said he would clarify his position at an appropriate forum. The CAG report has come under attack from the Prime Minister, the Congress party and critics. The watchdog was criticised for coming out with ‘presumptive figures when no loss had taken place.’ “Being a Constitutional authority,...
More »Medha Patkar responds
-The Hindu The response to my article by Mr. Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister for Rural Development, and his colleagues is a welcome move towards a public debate which we have suggested, time and again, should be held in every State with all people’s organisations. I would like to briefly reply to some points in the Minister’s response: His argument that land is finite cannot be used to justify forcible acquisition. The Bill...
More »Tread carefully
-The Hindu The Central government’s decision to amend the Constitution to provide for reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotions in government service is a welcome move, though it is fraught with risks if implemented without careful thought and adequate groundwork. The SCs and STs are grossly under-represented in the upper echelons of government — as indeed they are in upper management elsewhere — and every effort must be...
More »50% quota proposal for women in urban local bodies
-The Hindustan Times The government might be finding it difficult to garner support for reserving 33% seat for women in Parliament but it seems it is doing its bit to empower women in municipalities. The Union cabinet is likely to clear a proposal on Tuesday reserving 50% of the elected seats for women in urban local bodies (ULBs) across the country. At present, only one-third of the seats in the local bodies are...
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