The judicial commission on Adarsh will submit its interim report to the Maharasahtra government on Friday, more than a year after it was set up to probe how the building came up in Colaba. Justice (retired) J A Patil and member P Subrahmanyam on Thursday said the report would be given in a sealed envelope. With the report out of its way, the panel is all set to summon top politicians...
Gulberg Society case: Gujarat highlights why the Bill against communal violence is needed
-The Economic Times The special court's verdict in the communal killings in Ode and the Special Investigation Team's (SIT) closure of investigation in the Gulberg Society massacre - after finding no evidence to prosecute CM Narendra Modi and top political leaders, bureaucrats and police officers - highlight the laboriousness of delivering some measure of justice to the victims of the carnage in Gujarat in 2002. The SIT's report is by no means...
More »Economically weaker sections will have 25 per cent quota in schools: SC on Right to Education Act
-CNN-IBN The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the Constitutional validity of the Right to Education Act, saying that there will be 25 per cent reservation in government, local authority schools and private schools for children from the economically weaker sections of the society. A bench comprising Chief Justice SH Kapadia and justices KS Radhakrishnan and Swantanter Kumar, which had reserved its verdict on August 3, 2011, upheld the validity of provisions of...
More »Press Council for court guidelines, The Hindu opposes idea by J Venkatesan
Don't embark on a futile exercise, Shanti Bhushan tells Supreme Court Constitution Bench The Press Council of India (PCI) on Tuesday suggested that the Supreme Court frame guidelines for the media as these would be in the interest of not only administration of justice and rights of the litigant public but also the media themselves. “The media, both print and electronic, have been playing an important role in shaping and sustaining Indian...
More »Call to dismantle SC media bench
-The Telegraph Former law minister Shanti Bhushan today urged the Supreme Court to dissolve a five-judge Constitution bench set up to lay down dos and don’ts for media reporting on sub judice cases, saying it was “detrimental to the rights of the press and would destroy democracy”. Bhushan cited an earlier example in which a former Chief Justice of India (CJI) had dissolved a bench after he found no support. He was referring...
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