Union minister of rural development Jairam Ramesh will be touring 12 backward districts in Madhya Pradesh over the next four months to review the working of the flagship schemes of the central government. Speaking at a state-level party program here, Mr. Ramesh assured leader of opposition in the state assembly Ajay Singh that he would personally tour districts like Jhabua and Sidhi among others to review the working of the centre's...
RTE Act: There are more questions than answers-Aishhwariya Subramanian
While the state government has made it clear that the Right to Education Act (RTE Act) will be enforced from the current academic year, there are many who are still unclear as to what the Act means, especially the people who will be most benefited by it. RTE dictates that 25% of admissions in all private unaided schools (private minority unaided schools have been exempted) will be reserved free of cost...
More »Tribals protest harassment by forces
-Express News Service Sambalpur: Resentment is brewing among hapless tribals in this part of the State against security personnel. Facing arrest after being branded as Maoists, these tribals are now raising voice against the alleged excesses. This became evident earlier this week when hundreds of tribals in the periphery of Sunabeda wildlife sanctuary gheraoed the Collectorate demanding relocation. The tribals said despite the emotional attachment, they were prepared to sever ties with their...
More »Dalits attempt to stop celebration of Ambedkar Jayanti in Bantwal
-The Hindu Dalit rights groups in Bantwal attempted to stop the official celebration of Ambedkar Jayanti on Saturday citing the Government's “failure” to take action to fulfil its constitutional mandate of uplifting the conditions of the poor. Eye-witnesses said the groups initially requested the officials and guests assembled not to conduct the proceedings as planned. When they decided to go ahead ignoring the warnings, the Dalits reportedly took away the portrait of...
More »Dalit students shun this government school by PV Srividya
54 children eligible for primary schooling from these families prefer private schools Across the country, doors of even private schools are set to open for the weaker sections, thanks to the Right to Education Act, but here is a government primary school run by a local body in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu that does not have a single Dalit student. Even though there are Dalit communities in areas such as Pachayankadu...
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