He was killed on Sunday for not returning Rs. 5,000 at his residence A day after 32-year-old Dalit sugarcane labourer Shahadev Tayad succumbed to burns, the accused Vashisht Dhake who allegedly burnt him was caught by the police on Monday, but the Tayad's family's efforts to come to terms with the loss have just begun. According to the police, Dhake burnt Tayad on January 8 for not returning Rs. 5,000 at his...
UP NRHM scam: BSP MLA Ram Prasad Jaiswal in CBI custody
-CNN-IBN The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has taken BSP MLA Ram Prasad Jaiswal into custody in connection with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. Jaiswal was taken into custody after the CBI interrogated him in two separate cases related to financial irregularities in the procurement of information material. Jaiswal was under scrutiny for the supply of construction material and labour to ANM training centres in Lucknow and adjacent districts under the...
More »Setback to UID by Usha Ramanathan
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance finds the UID project to be “conceptualised with no clarity” and “directionless”. THE Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance has dealt a body blow to the Unique Identification (UID) project. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) was set up under the Planning Commission by an executive order on January 28, 2009. The scheme involves the collection of demographic and biometric information to issue ID numbers to...
More »Farmers ready to pay market rates for power, demand reliable supply by Madhvi Sally & Sutanuka Ghosal
Agrarian distress and growing awareness among farmers, tired of poll-time rhetoric and freebies, may make it tougher for political parties to woo this large electorate with worn-out promises in the upcoming assembly polls. Ahead of elections in five states, including in Uttar Pradesh, the country's most populous and politically-critical state, many farmers say they are ready to pay market rates for power and other inputs provided there is reliable supply. Swarn Singh,...
More »Blocked Development by Lola Nayar
The much-vaunted NREGA has defaulted on many of its promises “There are many households in our village who have NREGA cards but have not sought work for over two years,” says 32-year-old Umesh Kumar, gram pradhan of Bhainswal village, in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. In fact, Kumar recounts having to actually go around persuading people to come for work “whenever we get projects for implementation under NREGA”. This first-time...
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