-The Indian Express Delhi Police's special branch asked the district police to intensify patrolling at night to prevent unauthorized movement of labourers. As Covid cases surge and the possibility of a lockdown looms in the national capital, the Special Branch of Delhi Police, after taking cues from the mass migrant movement during the last shutdown, has asked all 15 district police officials to counsel migrant workers and send them back to their...
In Maldah: 'Nobody leaves out of choice' -PARTh MN
-RuralIndiaOnline.org With no industrial activity and low wages in agriculture, men from Bhagabanpur in Maldah district go to work in faraway places like Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, just to survive and send money home Rehna Bibi didn’t think much when her phone call to her husband, Anas Shaikh, failed to connect at 10.30 a.m.on February 7, 2021. They had spoken less than two hours ago. “His grandmother had died that morning,” says...
More »The second wave questions that need urgent answers -Kaushik Das Gupta
-The Indian Express Is the government postponing the use of the Rs 35,000-crore allocated for vaccine development in the current Budget? Has it been shy in using its good offices with the US to intercede on behalf of the country’s vaccine manufacturing companies? This time, last year, India was under a lockdown announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a televised address during which he issued several messages of caution. He talked...
More »Manmohan Singh writes to PM Modi, gives 5 suggestions to tackle Covid-19 crisis
-The Indian Express As India reels under the second wave of coronavirus, Manmohan Singh said people are now beginning to wonder when their lives will get back to normal and argued “there are many things we must do to fight the epidemic but a big pART of this effort must be ramping up the vaccination programme.” Former prime minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking him to...
More »COVID-19 deaths in Gujarat far exceed government figures -Mahesh Langa
-The Hindu Many hospitals don’t mention the viral infection as the cause of death AHMEDABAD: Rupal Thakkar, the 48-year-old mother of a two-year-old, tested COVID-19 positive on April 13. She was rushed to a posh hospital in the city on April 16 night after her condition deteriorated. Within a few hours of admission, she died. The Shalby Hospital, in the death certificate, mentioned “sudden cardiac arrest” as the cause of death. In Gujarat,...
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