Dantewada District Collector R. Prasanna has announced a probe into allegations of the police and paramilitary forces burning homes, molesting three women and killing at least three men in an operation early this month. On Wednesday, The Hindu and Rajasthan Patrika carried news reports in which eyewitnesses accused Chhattisgarh's Koya commandos (an armed tribal police corps) and the Central Reserve Police Force of burning over 300 homes and granaries, sexually assaulting...
Biotechnology is politicised in India: Expert
Modern biotechnology and biodiversity are basically concepts of Science but have been politicised in the name of conservation and sustainable development, said biotechnology and medicinal plants consultant C Kameshwar Rao. Delivering the keynote address on modern biotechnology, biodiversity and sustainable development at the national conference organized by the Karnatak University department of Botany in Dharwad on Monday, the former professor of Bangalore University said biotechnology approaches had diversified from genetic engineering...
More »India Can't Get the Food Right Wrong by Harsh Joshi
India's government has an ambitious plan for eradicating hunger in the country. Unfortunately, it may be going about it the wrong way. The National Food Security Bill that New Delhi intends to implement this year will make food a legal right for every citizen, including the millions of poor and underprivileged. No doubt the motive is right: India has one-fourth of the world's hungry poor, according to United Nations statistics. But merely...
More »Delhi budget: Diesel vehicles to cost more, free healthcare for 27L kids
Over the last couple of years, the Delhi government's budgets had focussed largely on beefing up the city's physical infrastructure in time for the Commonwealth Games. With the Games over, the budget for 2011-12, the first presented by Sheila Dikshit, shifted focus to social infrastructure with welfare measures in health and education targetted at the school-going. Welfare measures apart, the budget cited environmental concerns to hike taxes on diesel vehicles and...
More »RTI: officials face action for giving wrong information
Providing wrong information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act could prove costly. A senior Haryana official has directed that action be taken against erring staff. Chief Secretary Urvashi Gulati has issued directions to all the departments to fix responsibility and take action under the Government Employees Conduct Rules, a spokesman said on Sunday. The move follows the realisation that several departments were spending more money in getting discrepancies removed and appearing...
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