-The Hindu Police can record complaint of such woman at her residence Considering the difficulties encountered by physically challenged women at each stage of the criminal-legal process, right from filing an FIR to testifying in court during trial, the Justice J.S. Verma Committee has recommended that they be exempted from coming to the police station and making repeated visits to courts for testimony. In its report, the committee said that when a physically...
No insurance cover for organ donors -Pushpa Narayan & Aparna Ramalingam
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Srinidhi (name changed), a housewife, donated a part of her liver to her husband a few years ago. Even though she has no complications and is perfectly healthy, she was surprised to find that insurance companies rejected her application for comprehensive health cover. "Insurance companies don't ask if you have donated an organ. The application forms ask if there is a scar of the body and the...
More »Swine flu pandemic infected at least one in five Indians: Study -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India LONDON: The 2009 global H5N1 swine flu pandemic - the first in over 41 years that swept throughout the globe in record time -- infected at least one in five Indians with the highest rates of infection being among children. A joint Imperial College, London, and the World Health Organization global study released on Saturday found that 47% of those aged five to 19 showed signs of having...
More »Justice JS Verma committee's recommendations: Complete list
-DNA 1. The equality of women, being integral to the Constitution, its denial is a sacrilege and a constitutional violation. Sustained constitutional violations mean that governance is not in accordance with the Constitution. A fortiori, all limbs of the State - the executive, the legislature as well as the judiciary -must respect women’s rights and must treat them in a non-discriminatory manner. 2. As a primary recommendation, all marriages in India (irrespective...
More »When we brutalise woman, we wound soul of our nation: Pranab Mukherjee
-PTI Triggering a fresh debate in the context of the brutal gangrape in Delhi and youth protests that followed, President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday raised a question whether the country's legislature reflects emerging India or does it need radical reforms. Asking whether corruption has overtaken morality in life, he said elected representatives must win back people's confidence and the anxiety and the restlessness of the youth has to be channelised towards change...
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