-The Hindu Soon after being sworn in as Puducherry Chief Minister Founder leader of the All-India NR Congress N. Rangasamy was sworn in as Chief Minister of the Union territory for the third term at Raj Nivas on Monday at 3.20 p.m. Lieutenant Governor Iqbal Singh administered the oath of office and secrecy to Mr. Rangasamy. Immediately after the swearing-in function, Mr. Rangasamy visited his office in the Legislative Assembly and...
Food rights bill holds key to India farm exports plan
-The Economic Times India's grain bins are overflowing and the forecast for a normal monsoon promises another bumper crop, but political disagreement over a bill to secure food rights for the poor means the country is expected to steer clear of large-scale exports. Shipments from the world's second-biggest producer of wheat, sugar and rice could come as a relief for governments across Asia who are trying to combat food-led inflation,...
More »Medha moots Development Planning Act for “no or minimum displacement” by Gargi Parsai
Even as Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar on Thursday demanded repeal of the Land Acquisition Act, 1984, the All-India Kisan Sabha urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to call a special session of Parliament to discuss the issue. Ms. Patkar, who was arrested at Parsaul village on Thursday and later released, said that instead of an amended Act, there should be a comprehensive Development Planning Act under which development should only...
More »Land acquisition bill in next session: Chidambaram
A day after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took centre-stage putting his party's weight behind protestors over land acquisition in western Uttar Pradesh, the government on Thursday said it would introduce a new land acquisition bill having provisions for better compensation and rehabilitation measures in the next session of Parliament. "We must have a new land acquisition law. Government has drafted a new act that has provisions for better compensation, rehabilitation and...
More »Food rights bill holds key to India farm exports plan
India's grain bins are overflowing and the forecast for a normal monsoon promises another bumper crop, but political disagreement over a bill to secure food rights for the poor means the country is expected to steer clear of large-scale exports. Shipments from the world's second-biggest producer of wheat, sugar and rice could come as a relief for governments across Asia who are trying to combat food-led inflation, but India needs to...
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