-The Asian Age Amarjeet Sinha said it was a myth that people were losing work for not having Aadhaar cards. New Delhi: The central government extended the cut off date for 100 per cent Aadhaar coverage in the MGNREGA to September 30, instead of the earlier deadline of March 31. The move comes after the Centre faced widespread criticism from civil society activists over making Aadhaar compulsory for getting work under the...
Modi Government's Tech Fetish is Diluting MGNREGA's Accountability -Siraj Dutta
-TheWire.in Most technocratic interventions introduced in MGNREGA appear to be designed to aid administrators rather than for actually helping workers. In his 2017-18 Budget speech, finance minister Arun Jaitley asserted with great conviction that the ruling dispensation’s “initiative to geo-tag all MGNREGA assets” to put them “in public domain has established greater transparency”. In 2016-17, the rural development ministry started an initiative called ‘GeoMGNREGA’, under which it was proposed that all assets created under...
More »How Dalit lands were stolen -Ilangovan Rajasekaran
-Frontline.in The British government, on the basis of an 1891 report on the subhuman living conditions of “Pariahs” by James H.A. Tremenheere, Acting Collector of Chengleput, assigned 12 lakh acres of land for distribution to the “depressed classes” of the Madras Presidency to empower them socially and economically. But more than 100 years later, much of this land is in the possession of non-Dalits, and the struggle to reclaim them has...
More »NREGA workers get lowest wage hike ever, Re 1 in some states -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express In some states like Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the increase in daily wages under MGNREGA from April 1 is just Re 1. IN THE lowest wage hike under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Scheme, the Centre has increased wages by an average of just 2.7 per cent this financial year. In some states like Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the increase in daily...
More »Testing times for Yogi govt as saffron outfits run riot in UP -Pawan Dixit
-Hindustan Times Violence involving right wing Hindu organisations from various parts of Uttar Pradesh is proving to be an embarrassment for the Yogi Adityanath government. The volatile situation even forced chief minister Yogi Adityanath to send a clear message of ‘zero tolerance’ on law and order front. The Saharanpur violence on Friday was latest in the series of incidents that have rocked the state after the BJP formed the government in U.P. Led by...
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