-The Hindu NITI Aayog CEO says he did not say they were dragging down India’s growth Facing criticism over his comment that eastern States such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, where the BJP is in power, are keeping India backward, Amitabh Kant, Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog, on Tuesday issued a clarification on Twitter. “These States are backward on human development indicators because of legacy issues. This government’s...
Now Delhi listens to you: PM Narendra Modi on death penalty for rape of children -Milind Ghatwai
-The Indian Express Modi said families should respect their daughters and inculcate values in sons. A social campaign will have to be started to create such an atmosphere in families, he said, and urged people to focus on educating their children. Mandla (M.P.): Referring to the Central government’s ordinance on capital punishment for people convicted of raping girls aged 12 or below, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said there is now...
More »Women are the guardians of the forest. So why does India ignore them in its policies? -Purabi Bose
-Scroll.in It is important that forest policies are formulated through a gender-sensitive lens and that women are included in the conversation. A few weeks ago, when Google India marked the 45th anniversary of the Chipko movement with a doodle, it was a refreshing flashback to forest communities sacrificing their lives to protect trees from being felled for timber use. One of the first such recorded community protests was at Khejarli village in...
More »Why MSP at cost plus 50% is no big deal -Rajalakshmi Nirmal
-The Hindu Business Line The MSP for many crops is already 1.5 times cost; and procurement is either absent or very minimal except for paddy and wheat There has been much speculation on the Budget promise to farmers of 50 per cent return on cost of production. But this may not help farmers much, as many crops already enjoy 50 per cent profit at minimum support price (MSP), according to the price...
More »Rajinder Sachar (1923-2018) helped puncture the myth of Muslim appeasement in India -Ajaz Ashraf
-Scroll.in The former Delhi High Court chief justice chaired the committee that wrote a landmark report on the status of Muslims in India. There are many reasons to remember Justice Rajinder Sachar, who died in Delhi at the age of 95, on April 20. He was a former chief justice of the Delhi High Court, a civil rights activist proud of his socialist credentials, and a man whose instinct it was...
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