Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday assured a delegation of Rashtriya Lok Dal leaders that government will move the crucial bill to amend the Land Acquisition Act in the coming session of Parliament, its leader Ajit Singh said. After a half-an-hour long meeting with the Prime Minister, the RLD chief said that he apprised the former about the violence over land acquisition in Noida and reminded him about his commitment to...
Left's assessment concedes West Bengal by Rajat Roy
Even as the CPI(M) brass show a brave face and publicly maintain they will form the next government in West Bengal, the party’s internal feedback from the districts shows the Left Front will go out of power after a record stint of 34 years. The feedback has come from districts where polling is already over. The final phase is on Tuesday, in just 14 constituencies. The counting of votes, with those...
More »Can you spot any loophole in the Lokpal draft? by A Ganesh Nadar
The Lokpal Act finally seems set to turn into reality. With civil society members and citizens turning the heat on the government over the setting up of the anti-corruption body, the Lokpal bill occupies centrestage in Delhi's politics. The joint panel, comprising civil society members and Union ministers, has been meeting in New Delhi to hammer out the draft of the anti-corruption bill. Let's take a look at the highlights...
More »History of deception by AG Noorani
The 1985 Lokpal Bill destroyed the raison d'etre of the institution of an ombudsman, but all successive governments copied it. PUBLIC anger was understandably aroused over the gross delay by Parliament in the last 40 years to enact a Lokpal Bill and with the toothless one that the government sponsored. It is not widely known that the delay was aggravated by deception and fraud in 1985. It was, however, emulated by...
More »Now, MPLAD scheme to cover disabled
The Member of Parliament Local Area Development [MPLAD] scheme is all set to become disabled-friendly. The Centre has decided to expand the scope of the scheme to allow MPs to provide assistance to the physically challenged in their constituencies, up to Rs. 10 lakh a year from their MPLAD fund. The change will come into effect from June 1. Announcing this, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, which is in charge...
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