-PTI The Uttar Pradesh government has spent 900 per cent above the budget allocated for building school toilets under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, with nearly 60 per cent of the total Rs 32.25 crore going to just one district. Under the central government scheme, Rs 24,000 per unit was allocated for constructing 1,538 toilets during the five year period from 2007-08 to 2011-12, which comes to Rs 3.69 crore. However, an RTI...
Proactive for Ambani, but UPA sleeping over CAG recommendations-Sujay Mehdudia
-The Hindu The UPA government has been proactive in responding to demands by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) for a raise in natural gas prices, but has shown little urgency in implementing the Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAGs) recommendations made in 2009 on the audit of oil and gas contractors such as RIL. The CAG recommendation would have facilitated the intense scrutiny of the prices and profits made by the contractors. The Petroleum Ministry's...
More »Shocking: 336% rise in child rape cases in India since 2001 -Satya Prakash
-The Hindustan Times As protests erupt against the sexual assault on a five-year-old girl in the capital, a report has revealed that child rape cases in India have witnessed 336% rise since 2001. Citing National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) figures, the report by Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) stated that 48,338 child rape cases were recorded during 2001-11, which was an increase of 336% in such cases since 2001 when only...
More »India a step closer to a new land acquisition law-Liz Mathew and Elizabeth Roche
-Live Mint Government reaches near consensus as BJP agrees to support Bill in Parliament; industry not enthused by plan The government may be close to pulling off one of India's most significant policy changes with a near consensus among political parties on a new land acquisition law, taking the country to the verge of removing what's perceived as the biggest impediment to the next wave of industrialization. At the conclusion of an all-party...
More »2G scam: JPC clears Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram; pins Rs 40,000 crore loss on NDA
-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been given a clean chit by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on telecom which rubbished CAG's Rs 1.76 lakh crore loss calculations in the 2G scam but slammed the Vajpayee government for Rs 40,080 crore loss due to a policy shift in 1999. The committee - headed by Congress MP P C Chacko - in its draft report pinned the 2G blame on former...
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