Recent Media reports point out that the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh is likely to get about Rs. 6,300 crore projects ahead of the upcoming Uttar Pradesh assembly polls, including a Rs. 400 crore worth plant for the propulsion system of anti-tank guided missiles in Jhansi. The foundation was laid for the first project in the Jhansi node (related to the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor) on November 18, 2021. The two...
Hindutva Brigade Disrupts 7 Christmas Events Across India -Naomi Barton 'They want to celebrate the commercial aspect of Christmas but don’t want Christmas to be there,' said John Dayal, former president of the All India Catholic Union. New Delhi: Incidents of anti-Christian protests, ruckus and misdemeanour perpetrated by rightwing Hindutva organisations were reported both on news outlets and across social Media in the lead up to and on Christmas Day, across states. Uttar Pradesh 1. On Christmas eve, members reportedly belonging to the...
More »43% Media outlets disappeared, 84% women journalists out of jobs since Taliban takeover: RSF report Report also mentions the ‘11 journalism rules’ giving rise to censorship and impacting press freedom. Sixty percent of Media employees have not been able to work and 84 percent of women journalists have lost their jobs since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan in August, according to a report released by Reporters Without Borders and Afghan Independent Journalists Association. The report also stated that 43 percent of Afghan Media outlets have disappeared. Compared...
More »RS Media panel secy quits to protest curbs on journalists’ access to House No meaningful purpose to serve on the committee anymore, Anant Bagaitkar wrote in a letter to the Rajya Sabha chairman. To register a protest against the curbs on Media access to parliament, senior journalist Anant Bagaitkar on Tuesday resigned as the secretary of the Media Advisory Committee to the Rajya Sabha, the Press Club of India tweeted. The committee consists of representatives from Media organisations accredited to the Press Gallery of the...
More »Ugly Sides of Data Protection Bill and Fallacies of JPC Report -Vikas Bhadauria The Bill and the Joint Parliamentary Committee’s recommendations are riddled with many problems, and some of them are giving rise to serious concerns over enabling the State with surveillance power. The much-awaited Joint Parliamentary Committee’s report on the country's first comprehensive data protection law has been tabled in the Parliament. After two years of intense deliberation and consultation, the report was finalised and adopted. The law, if passed, would regulate data...
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