Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday launched a supplementary nutritional food programme aiming to reach about 40 lakh poor beneficiaries through the anganwadi network in the state. 'It is a unique movement to free children and pregnant women from the scourge of malnutrition,' Modi said. It would be undertaken under the aegis of the state government's women and child welfare department as part of the Integrated Child Development Programme. It...
Is Sonia's NAC-2 a Super Cabinet? by Sheela Bhatt
"It is wrong to say that we will become a super cabinet. We are here to get the Indian bureaucracy to see reason to carry forward social projects related to areas like health, food, agriculture speedily and make sure that people like (Planning Commission deputy chairman) Montek Singh Ahluwalia gets the correct picture and figures on social issues," a member of the National Advisory Council told The member argued...
More »EU to overhaul GM crop system
The European Union is to radically overhaul its approval system for genetically modified (GM) crops from next month, opening the way to large-scale GM cultivation in Europe, EU sources said on Friday. With most Europeans showing no appetite for GM produce in food, EU politicians have approved just two varieties for growing in 12 years, compared with more than 150 worldwide. Under proposals due to be adopted on 13 July,...
More »Manipur rice bowl dwindles by Khelen Thokchom
Manipur households may find it difficult to fill their plates with rice next year, with the ongoing economic blockade robbing farmers of essential fuel to run their tilling machines. The food and civil supplies godown now has 7,132 metric tonnes of rice while the Indian Oil Corporation in Imphal has 1,223 kilo litres of diesel. The rice will last for a month, while the diesel can keep the state running for...
More »Population, incomes tilt India towards food imports
India's anxiety over erratic monsoon rains will become more acute as rising incomes and a growing population push up demand for farmed produce faster than supply, turning the nation into a major importer within 5 years. Forecasts of a normal monsoon this year have stirred hopes for smooth supplies and low inflation, reversing setbacks from last year's poor rains. But the country must boost yields if it is to feed...
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