-The Hindu Shobhu Ram, a prominent activist from H.P., uses the Act to empower others of his ilk in his State Shobhu Ram can be mistaken for just another visually challenged person, who also works as an announcer in the Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation, but beneath the veneer lies a strong fighter for the rights of the disabled in general and for the rights of the visually challenged in particular. Mr....
SC: Personal info of babus can’t be sought under RTI -Bhadra Sinha
-The Hindustan Times In a ruling that would be music to the ears of babus, the Supreme Court (SC) has held that a government officer’s personal details such as income-tax (I-T) returns cannot be divulged in response to a query under the Right to Information Act (RTI) unless a larger public interest was involved. Disclosure of such information would amount to unwarranted invasion of an officer’s privacy, it said. “The performance of...
More »Set up helplines, women’s cell in districts, Centre tells Haryana -Sandeep Joshi
-The Hindu Experts call for special police training to deal with rape victims In the wake of a spurt in the number of rape cases being reported from Haryana, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs has directed the State government to set up a women’s cell in every district and ask the State police chief to take action against district police chiefs who fail act against such crimes. The Ministry has also asked...
More »The vexatious case of PM and the RTI -Saikat Datta
-DNA "Frivolous and vexatious” — these were the words that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh used while addressing this year’s edition of the annual Right to Information (RTI) convention. His choice of words raises several disturbing questions. The PM conveniently ignored the fact that there is no legal definition of what constitutes “frivolous and vexatious” and there is unlikely to be one in the future. Will one person’s understanding of “frivolous” be...
More »RTI by itself cannot combat corruption, reforms needed-Madhu Purnima Kishwar
-The Economic Times The RTI Act is undoubtedly a historic landmark and has energised sections of our population like nothing else before. But despite its careful crafting and a well-defined machinery to back it, getting those bits of information, which vested interests within the government wish to hide, are an extremely arduous task. Therefore, I was not surprised when my RTI, seeking simple information regarding the number of foreign trips undertaken...
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