-The Times of India The CBI raided the secretary to Speaker Meira Kumar for corruption, sending Parliament into a tizzy and prompting the Lok Sabha chair to remove him with immediate effect. R A Pathak was raided by CBI for acquiring assets disproportionate to his income between 1995 and 2005, a period when he served in the road, transport, highways ministry. Belonging to the 1984 batch of central engineering service, Pathak joined...
Kamal tops rich list, Antony at bottom
-The Times of India The government on Saturday released a list of assets owned by Union ministers. Urban development minister Kamal Nath and his family top the charts with a net worth of over Rs 263 crore. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's holdings are a little over Rs 5 crore. At the bottom of the pile is the low-profile defence minister, A K Antony, who claims he has a paltry Rs 1.8 lakh...
More »Chances of corrupt public servants being caught and punished very less by Bibek Debroy
The Lokpal legislation, in whatever form, will not be the only law we have on corruption. Apart from statutes on prohibition of benami transactions and prevention of money laundering, there is the IPC (Indian Penal Code). Under Sections 169 and 409 of IPC, depending on the offence, public servants can face imprisonment (from two years to life) and fines. This wasn't enough of a deterrent and after Bofors, we had...
More »Always hungry for more by Murad Ali Baig
After his successful campaign for the Jan Lokpal Bill, Anna Hazare is now targeting electoral reform to curb corruption. While politicians were his main target, few realised that it was the bureaucrats who had enabled the politicians to abuse the system. The war on corruption needs drastic administrative reforms to curb the enormous power of the petty babus. The good intentions of prime ministers, the commitment of good officers and...
More »Arvind Kejriwal, RTI activist and Magsaysay award winner interviewed by Vidya Subrahmaniam
'We want to pressure the government and assert our rights as citizens.' Arvind Kejriwal received the Magsaysay award in the Emergent leadership category in 2006. A mere five years later, he has far surpassed that milestone, winning acclaim and notice for the way he conceived and crafted Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement. He talks to Vidya Subrahmaniam about the Jan Lokpal campaign, what it accomplished and why it often became controversial. The scale...
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