-PTI The CBI has registered five cases in connection with illegal iron ore export scam worth Rs. 2500 crore and carried out searches at 17 locations, including in the premises of associates of jailed mining baron G Janardhan Reddy, on Saturday. Acting on the orders of Supreme Court which asked the agency to probe the scam, the agency registered five cases and a preliminary enquiry against firms and exporters allegedly related...
Plan panel for revamping National Action Plan on climate change
-The Economic Times With carbon markets at an all time low and prospects of international long-term finance dim, the Planning Commission has suggested reworking the Rs 23,000 crore National Action Plan on climate change. It has reduced the number of missions and refocused them in line with "priorities". In 2008, the government had laid out a national strategy that would address India's development concerns and the challenges that climate change would present....
More »All Goa iron ore mines lose green clearance -Murari Shetye
-The Times of India PANAJI: Following the adverse report by the Shah commission on illegal mining in Goa, the Union environment and Forests minister Jayanthi Natarajan on Wednesday announced the suspension of environment clearances given to all 93 functional mining leases in the state. The orders came a day after TOI's story on how the central government had given illegal clearances to Goa's iron ore mines even under PM Manmohan Singh's watch...
More »Centre suspends environment clearance of 93 mining leases in Goa
-PTI PANAJI: The Union ministry of environment and Forest (MoEF) on Wednesday suspended the environment clearances (EC) of all the 93 mining leases in Goa asking the mine owners to submit the relevant documents. The mine owners will have to submit their documents which are required for getting the environment clearances, minister of environment and Forest Jayanti Natarajan told reporters in Panaji on Wednesday. Justice MB Shah commission, in its report on Goa's...
More »Bt Brinjal is safe, claims NIN
-The Times of India HYDERABAD: Is Bt Brinjal safe? The demonisation of BT crops got a push with the parliamentary committee on agriculture in its report submitted last month commenting that transgenics in food crops would be fraught with unknown consequences. But the Hyderabad-based National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) says that Bt Brinjal is safe. A voluminous report on the laboratory experiments carried out...
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