-The Hindu Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh: In February, Ram Aathray, a 37-year-old farmer from Mahoba, lost most of his crop to a hailstorm. His four acres of land produced a mere two quintals of wheat. “It’ll only last for four months,” he fears. He could take a mortgage loan but he’s saving that for his daughter’s wedding. The only option would be to migrate to Delhi and work on a construction site....
Estimates and Analysis of Farm Income in India, 1983-84 to 2011-12 -Ramesh Chand, Raka Saxena, and Simmi Rana
-Economic and Political Weekly This paper presents estimates of farmers' incomes from agriculture over the past three decades. The income earned by farmers from agricultural activities after paying for input costs and the wages for hired labour has seen low to high growth in different periods during the last three decades. In none of the periods do farmers' income or profitability of farming show any squeeze. The pace of growth in...
More »‘Irregularities and delay in payment’ -Pavan Dahat
-The Hindu Sukma: He completed the work allotted to him under MGNREGA last year, but Boteram Yadav from Sonakukanar village is still waiting for his pay. “I was assured Rs. 157 per day for helping construct a road, but I haven’t been paid yet,” he said. “But I want to work under MGNREGA again. Some villagers received their wages within a few months of working.” Sonadhar, another villager, is one such...
More »The Lie Of The Land -Pavithra S Rangan
-Outlook In MP’s Bundelkhand region, a sarpanch-babu nexus means NREGA benefits dry up for the poor The Paper Trail How social sector cuts are playing out in one of India’s poorest parts For the first time ever, in 2014, Rs 1,000 cr, of a sanctioned Rs 4,000 cr budget for NREGA, not given to MP In 2015, only a small part of the budget released for two months. NREGA top officials say funds always...
More »Convicts can't be hanged secretly and hurriedly: Supreme Court -Amit Anand Choudhary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Condemned prisoners also have a right to dignity, the Supreme Court has said holding that execution of death sentence cannot be carried out in an arbitrary, hurried and secret manner without allowing death row convicts to exhaust all legal remedies and meet family members. "Right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution does not end with the confirmation of the death sentence. Even in cases...
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