-The Indian Express Ministry officials state that Haryana, from where the scheme was launched last year, has shown visible improvements in Sex Ratio at Birth. On Tuesday, while extending Beti Bachao Beti Padao to 61 more districts, the Minister for Woman and Child Development Maneka Gandhi announced that 49 of the 100 districts that currently fall under the scheme have registered a positive trend in Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB). The...
It’s 2016, and Indian journalists are still not ‘free’
-Hindustan Times "Most of the movement in the World Press Freedom Index… is indicative of a climate of fear and tension combined with increasing control over newsrooms by governments and private-sector interests." - the RSF website India has ranked abysmally low at 133 among 180 countries in the latest annual World Press Freedom Index which says prime minister Narendra Modi seems “indifferent” to the threats against journalists. The rankings, which are released annually, are...
More »As India reels from drought, govt slammed for poor policies -Nirmala George
-Livemint.com/ AP Hundreds of millions of people in at least 13 states are reeling from severe drought, a situation that is expected to worsen in the coming months Shahapur: Shantabai Babulkar’s day begins before dawn with a 5 kilometer trek across barren fields and dusty scrubland to fetch water from a distant well for her family. The two metal pots of muddy water that Babulkar, 58, balances on her head and a...
More »Explained: What tiger numbers really say -Jay Mazoomdaar
-The Indian Express No, the tiger is not out of the woods. If numbers presented ahead of last week’s global tiger meet in New Delhi showed minor gains due to better counting methods, they also revealed massive losses. On April 11, a day before ministers of 13 tiger range countries assembled in New Delhi to pledge support for the big cat, a statement by the WWF-International and Global Tiger Forum claimed...
More »Job scheme target cut belies hopes -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Projected work under the rural job guarantee scheme for 2016-17 is down 10 per cent after a rare boost in the last financial year, suggesting a tightening of the purse strings following a year of heavy expenditure on the programme. The rural development ministry has approved the generation of 217 crore person-days of work under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, following last year's approval for...
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