-The Indian Express Files already piled up on the Chief Information Commissioner’s desk could take up to 2020 to clear. Delay in appointing the CIC hurts the objectives of both the RTI Act and the PM’s pledge of good governance. The RTI Act, 2005 provided for a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions to deal with appeals and complaints against public authorities. Section 12 of the RTI Act states, “The Central...
The death of a Dalit journalist and the question of casteism in the Indian media -Anisha Sheth
-The News Minute In 1996, when B K Uniyal went through the names of 700 accredited journalists in Delhi, he couldn’t identify a single Dalit among them. He realized that not once in his 30 years in the profession had he met a Dalit journalist. In 2013, Ajaz Ashraf found 21 across the country. On April 12, 2015, that tiny number shrunk even further with the death of Koppula Nagaraju, a...
More »NSSO data confirms socio-economic disparity
Social justice is one of the basic pillars of democracy. But when it comes to livelihood security and socio-economic status of various communities in rural areas, persons belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) lag far behind the upper caste population. This has been revealed in a recent National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) report entitled: Employment and Unemployment Situation among Social Groups in India...
More »91 per cent Andhra Pradesh farmers are debt-laden -Bh. Ramakrishna
-Deccan Chronicle Hyderabad: Nearly 91 per cent of farmers in AP are debt-ridden. Unable to repay their debts to private moneylenders, farmers sometimes commit suicide, state Agriculture department statistics. This was informed to the AP Assembly too in the recent Budget Session by minister for agriculture P. Pulla Rao. Most of these farmers are tenants who number nearly 25 lakh. Of them, only 1.4 lakh get loans from banks. Nationalised banks, in...
More »Resurgent Rahul, farmer's suicide puts land bill on backburner
-IANS A resurgent Rahul Gandhi and the suicide of a farmer at an AAP rally in the capital seem to have made the NDA government re-think its strategy on the land acquisition bill and put it on the backburner - at least for now. Desperately trying to fight the "anti-farmer" tag, the government, which went into a huddle soon after a farmer committed suicide at the April 22 rally of Delhi chief...
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