Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that he would write to the CBI again to take up the Shehla Masood murder case. The government had recommended an inquiry by the CBI two days after the murder, but the agency had not yet responded. Talking to mediapersons at his residence Wednesday, Chouhan also announced a reward of Rs one lakh to anybody giving clues leading to arrest of Shehla's murderer. An RTI...
The false Gandhi by Salil Tripathi
Gandhi’s struggle was to get Indians to choose their destiny, not letting a moralist to decide on their behalf During the 12 days of melodrama when India apparently solved the problem of corruption, one claim Kisan Baburao Hazare’s followers consistently made was that his fast was a non-violent, Gandhian protest. If Mohandas Gandhi could go on a fast-unto-death to force a government to relent, so could Hazare. Hazare’s media-savvy handlers ensured that...
More »'Corrupt' IT commissioner in CBI net
-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday arrested an income tax commissioner Daya Shankar in Mumbai for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 2 lakh from a private company for passing a favourable order in an appeal matter. "Shankar, commissioner IT (appeals), was arrested this morning from his office in Bandra for demanding and accepting bribe for settling and issuing a favourable order in an appeal matter...
More »How group of volunteers kept Ramlila Maidan clean only for Anna Hazare
-IANS From collecting mounds of garbage, removing slush caused by rains to cleaning toilets, a group of volunteers, mostly students from premier medical and engineering colleges, kept Ramlila Maidan, the nerve centre of Anna Hazare's movement, clean at a time when it saw unprecedented footfall on all the 13 days of his fast. Initially, most of these students came to lend support to Anna Hazare's movement against corruption, but swayed by the...
More »Uneasy truce between Indian government and anti-corruption campaigner by Sarath Kumara
Under pressure from big business to end the political stalemate, India’s self-proclaimed anti-corruption campaigner Anna Hazare yesterday broke his 12-day fast at the Ramlila Maiden, a public ground in New Delhi. On Saturday, the Indian parliament passed an “in principle” resolution agreeing to include three of Hazare’s demands in proposed Lokpal or ombudsman legislation. Though tensions have eased, nothing has been settled. Hazare, who headed large anti-corruption protests, has backed away...
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