-BBC Police in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have registered cases against 16 police officers nearly six months after they were accused of rape. The personnel of the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) are accused of committing the crimes during protests by farmers in Bhatta-Parsaul villages. Villagers had clashed with the police in May while protesting against the government acquisition of their land. Farmers said they were being forced to give up land...
Trinamool Congress plans huge rally in Maoist den
-The Economic Times The youth wing of the Trinamool Congress will hold a huge rally in the Maoist stronghold of Belpahari in West Midnapore district on November 1. This will be the first meeting of a Political Party in Belpahari. "I am expecting a gathering of about one lakh in our rally in the so-called Maoist heartland," Youth Trinamool Congress General Secretary Suvendu Adhikari told ET on Tuesday. He alleged that...
More »Do reforms matter for development? by Subir Roy
The pointlessness of the debate over Indian measures of poverty becomes clear when we look at the country’s human development record. If per capita real incomes have risen so well during the last two decades since reforms were introduced, surely that should mean better lives for most Indians. Forget about catching up with China, there is increasing evidence of India falling behind Bangladesh in terms of key human development indicators...
More »After Army, Congress now voices reservations on AFSPA revocation by Shujaat Bukhari
Omar appeasing radical political elements in the State, says Bhan Amid reports of the Defence Ministry's opposition to the withdrawal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) from certain areas in Jammu and Kashmir, the Congress, the main ally of the Omar Abdullah-led coalition government in the State, also voiced its reservations. The party also repeated its demand for rotational Chief Ministership after completion of three years of the present...
More »The Inconsequence of Team Anna? by Santosh Desai
From all accounts, Team Anna is going through a bad time. Kiran Bedi is struggling to explain her allegedly less-than-honest actions in presenting inflated travel bills, Arvind Kejriwal has been accused of financial impropriety and high-handedness by erstwhile members of the team, Prashant Bhushan is under fire for his comments on Kashmir and Santosh Hegde seems to perpetually have half a foot outside the team door. The decision to campaign...
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