-The Indian Express A seven-year-old girl drowned in East Delhi on Tuesday after she fell into an underground water tank whose manhole cover had been left open. The tank in Patparganj is used by the Delhi Fire Service (DFS). Sheeba was on her way to a park when she fell into the tank, her mother said. Immediately after the incident, a blame game began with government agencies pointing fingers at each other. The DFS said...
Judicial Control of Policymaking and Implementation: Interlinking Rivers by Videh Upadhyay
The Supreme Court has handed down an extraordinary decision with some extraordinary arguments directing the central government to execute the “river interlinking project”. How could the Court which says “it can hardly take unto itself tasks of making of a policy decision or planning for the country on the need for acquisition and Construction of river linking channels” then go on to actually take the very same policy decision and...
More »Grand idea - or distraction? by Sunita Narain
The idea of interlinking rivers is appealing because it is so grand, but this is also the reason it is nothing more than a distraction The Supreme Court recently issued a diktat to the central government about the scheme to interlink rivers. The directions are straightforward. The government shall set up a high-level committee of ministers and other representatives on interlinking of rivers; the committee shall meet “at least once in...
More »Govt acted against over 160 NGOs in last three years-Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India Diversion of foreign contribution by NGOs is not limited to the 12 organizations whose cases were referred for probe recently. The muck, in fact, runs much deeper with official figures showing that the government has taken action against at least 160 voluntary bodies, including referring 24 cases to CBI and seven to different state police for investigation in the past three years. Besides, 70 NGOs have been prohibited...
More »Kudankulam stalemate over, what next for the protestors? by G Pramod Kumar
Almost a month ago, when the Jayalalithaa-appointed state expert panel gave a clean chit to the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP), Firstpost had stated that the agitation was practically over. It was only a matter of time before the protesters were either asked to vacate the plant site or were forcibly removed. Since then, the PMANE (People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy) and the local struggle committee were essentially waging a losing...
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