-Hindustan Times BJP received the maximum donations of Rs 705.81 crore from 2,987 corporate donors followed by INC which received Rs 198.16 crore from 167 corporate donors. New Delhi: The BJP received the lion’s share – Rs 705.81 crore – of Rs 956.77 crore that corporate houses donated to five national parties between 2012-13 and 2015-16, a report by a Delhi-based non-profit pushing for poll reforms said on Thursday. The party, which swept...
The impact of caste on economic mobility in India -Kaivan Munshi
-Livemint.com The caste networks will disappear when the market economy starts to function efficiently The caste system is arguably the most distinctive feature of Indian society. The Indian population is divided into four hierarchical classes, or varnas, with a large sub-population of untouchables excluded entirely from the system. Within each of these classes, and among the untouchables, are thousands of castes, or jatis. The central rule in Hindu society is that individuals...
More »Economy Plunging Headlong Into Recession -Prabhat Patnaik
-TheCitizen.in NEW DELHI: Volume II of the Economic Survey which was brought out by the Ministry of Finance a few days ago paints an extremely grim picture of the Indian economy. The growth rate of real Gross Value Added (GVA which is the appropriate thing to look at, since the GDP measure includes net indirect taxes and hence does not truly reflect output trends), was 6.6 percent for 2016-17 as a whole,...
More »Smartphones under scanner for 'leaking' data
-The Hindu Concern over security features and embedded programmes of handsets; motivated by data leakage to other countries Concerned about instances of Indian mobile phone users’ contact lists, details and text messages being leaked to other countries, including China, the government has asked all firms selling smartphone handsets in the country to share details of the processes they follow to ensure there is no possibility of data thefts or leakages from their...
More »Did Demonetisation 'Substantially Increase' Number Of Tax Returns? A FactCheck -Arun Giri
-BoomLive.in In a press release dated August 7, 2017, The Central Board of Direct Taxes claimed that there has been a ‘substantial’ increase in the number of tax returns filed this year ( April 1 – Aug 5, 2017 ) on account of demonetisation. These first sentences from the CBDT press release are Important and we will put them under a microscopic scrutiny in the next few paragraphs. As a result of...
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