A gold medal fetches Rs 51,000 in Haryana and Rs 7,000 in Delhi. In Jharkhand and Bihar, it does not even fetch a return train ticket. Sandeep Oraon of Sangrampur, Ranchi, and Raj Kumar Sharma of Barharia, Siwan, struck gold for Delhi in the Para Athletics National Championship 2012 in Bangalore, which concluded on March 28, but said they would have felt more honoured to represent their home states had the...
Maoist threat
-The Hindu We condemn the attack by the Maoists on April 21 near Kerlapal village in Sukma District in Chhattisgarh, in which they killed two security guards and abducted the Sukma District Collector, Alex Paul Menon. At the time of this attack, Mr. Menon, accompanied by the security guards, was in the process of conducting Gram Swaraj Abhiyaan across the district. A few hours prior to the attack, Mr. Menon had to...
More »The right to work-Ruhi Tewari
Difficult times call for difficult measures. Pushed into a corner by an unsustainable fiscal deficit and various sectors and programs (including the proposed food security legislation) screaming for a greater share of the budget pie, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in India has been forced to do what it might not have otherwise—reduce its marquee job guarantee scheme’s allocation in a big way for the first time. In one...
More »States told to prevent child marriages on Akshaya Tritiya-Aarti Dhar
The Central Government has ordered States to take all possible measures to combat a wave of child marriages which authorities fear will take place across the Hindu heartland on Tuesday, on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. In a letter to the States, the Women and Child Welfare Ministry has warned governments that child marriage is illegal under the Prohibition of Child Marriages Act, 2006. The Ministry has suggested that all district magistrates...
More »Cash if couple delay first child-Ananya Sengupta
This is for you, newly-weds. If you delay that little parcel of joy by over two years, another parcel is yours. A crisp parcel of notes. According to a scheme to be launched under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), the government will reward newly-weds with a cash prize of Rs 500 if they don’t have children in the first two years of their marriage. That’s not all. If they want, a couple can...
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