The prestigious Rs 2,500-crore Machilipatnam port project is unable to cruise what with the district administration failing to hand over 4,000 acres of land to the developers, Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd (NECL), even six months after the state government gave its nod for the project. The Congress government awarded the project to NECL this April after cancelling the previous agreement with Maytas-led consortium following its involvement in the multi-crore Satyam scandal....
Posco's Planned $12 Billion Indian Steel Plant in Doubt After Panel Report by Abhijit Roy Chowdhury and Abhishek Shanker
Posco’s proposed $12 billion steel plant in India is in doubt after a government panel recommended scrapping environment clearances given to the world’s third largest steelmaker. Three of the four members of the panel suggested that approvals should be canceled because of “flaws in the studies, and shortcomings in the clearances granted” to the project in the eastern state of Orissa, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh told reporters yesterday in New Delhi....
More »Farmers, activists oppose Eastern India Green Revolution project by Vinaya Deshpande
“Punjab has suffered only debt, serious illnesses and polluted and scanty water sources” Appealing to the farmers and policy-makers to not emulate the Punjab model of Green Revolution, some farmers from Punjab said here on Sunday that the revolution had completely ruined the State. “Punjab is now called the cancer capital of India. The Green Revolution has given farmers only three things: debt, serious illnesses and polluted and scanty water sources,”...
More »Potato prices to fall on good stocks, new crop by Sandip Das
After a significant jump in retail price of potato in the last two weeks due to disruption of supplies on account of heavy rain in northern India, prices are all set to fall because of huge stocks with traders in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, the two biggest potato producing states and expected arrival of the new crop from Punjab next month. Traders in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, who were...
More »Food security
The spectre of a global food crisis has reared its head again. Soaring corn prices, which on Monday recorded their biggest one-day rise since 1973, have triggered fears of a return to the turmoil of 2007-2008. Far-reaching measures are needed to prevent a recurrence. Rising prices over the last decade are in part the result of burgeoning demand from emerging markets such as China and India. The emergence of commodities as...
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