-The Hindu The CAG has a lot of explaining to do on the methods used to reduce the loss it estimated in its draft report Comptroller & Auditor General Vinod Rai, who has maintained a dignified silence despite being in the government’s line of fire for his controversial report on coal, now has no choice but to break his silence. On Thursday, he appears before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) where he is...
Health guarantee scheme for children in the offing in UP
-PTI LUCKNOW: In a bid to improve its image, which was marred by the multi-crore NRHM scam, the Uttar Pradesh health department is set to launch a health guarantee scheme for children in the age group of 2-16 years. "The planning to launch the scheme is at final stages and we will be launching it soon. SP government is committed for the cause of poor and I am ensuring that all the...
More »Notifying Farming as an Essential Service: An Authoritarian Manoeuvre-SAHRDC
-Economic and Political Weekly The Government of India is considering a proposal to notify farming as an essential service. This is ostensibly to bring drought relief to farmers suffering from a weak monsoon - a laudable goal indeed. However, if farming is deemed an "essential service", farmers and farm workers could lose many of their political and civic rights because the government can then invoke the Essential Services Maintenance Act to...
More »Health guarantee scheme for children in the offing in UP
-PTI LUCKNOW: In a bid to improve its image, which was marred by the multi-crore NRHM scam, the Uttar Pradesh health department is set to launch a health guarantee scheme for children in the age group of 2-16 years. "The planning to launch the scheme is at final stages and we will be launching it soon. SP government is committed for the cause of poor and I am ensuring that all the...
More »Rise of crony journalism and tainted money in media -R Jagannathan
-First Post A lot has been written in recent weeks about crony capitalism, but an important issue for the media to introspect over is this: can this happen without significant amounts of crony journalism? When media companies begin to think they can run coal plants, surely this compromises them (Lokmat Group, DB Corp). When political parties think they ought to own media houses or be aligned to one (YSR Congress’ Sakshi, the...
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